Selasa, 06 Desember 2016

Other,Another,the other,prefer,like and would rother(preference).

Other,Another,the other,prefer,like and woul rother(preference).





Kata other menunjukkan sesuatu berbeda.Another menunjuk pada sesuatu yang merupakan tambahan,sedangkan others menunjuk pada objek/benda(jamak)yang lain ketika kita tidak menyebutkan bendanya. Kata other, another, dan others juga dapat diartikan dengan : yang lain atau lainnya.
Prefer,like dan woul rother adalah sesuatu untuk mengekspresikan  yang kita suka,lebih suka dalam berbicara ataupun bertanya.

Pada makalah kali aini kami akan membahas secara terperinci tentang ketiga pembahasan diatas,karna pengunaan ketiga istilah tersebut mempunyai peran yang penting dalam pelajaran kali ini.
Pembahasan yang akan kami rumuskan disini adalah tentang:

1.      Pengertian Other,another,and the others
2.      Prefer,like and woul rother
3.      Reading Explanation.



1.Other,another,and the,other
Other menunjuk pada sesuatu yang berbeda.
I write other post in this blog.

Saya menulis postingan lain yang berbeda dengan postingan sebelumnya.
Another menunjuk pada sesuatu yang merupakan tambahan. Contohnya ketika saya memakan sepotong kue dan saya mau tambah lagi, maka menggunakan “another”:
I ate cookie for dessert and I want another one (tambah satu kue lagi)
I need another glass of coffee (tambah satu gelas kopi lagi

Others menunjuk pada objek/benda(jamak)yang lain ketika kita tidak menyebutkan bendanya. Misalnya kita ingin menyebut beberapa orang (people) selain Anda yang tidak ingin pergi nonton bersama Anda. Kita bisa mengganti “people” dengan “others”. Kalimatnya:
The others didn’t want to go the movie, even though I did. (The others disini menggantikan orang lain (other people)).

Jadi kita tidak perlu mengulangi mengucapkan objek/benda, cukup dengan others.

“The other clothes were ugly” bisa diganti dengan “The others were ugly”
“The other people were watching the movie” bisa diganti dengan “The others were watching the movie”.

Kata other, another, dan others juga dapat diartikan dengan : yang lain atau lainnya. Ketiga kata tersebut sangat mudah membingungkan. Maka untuk menentukan bagaimana menggunakannya dengan tepat masing-masing kata itu harus diperhatikan empat hal.

1. Jika kata itu singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak).
2. Jika kata itu definite –the- (tentu) atau indefinite –a- (tak tentu)
3. Jika kata itu berfungsi sebagai adjective yang menerangkan noun atau senantiasa bersama dengan noun.
4. Jika kata itu berfungsi sebagai pronoun yang dapat berdiri sendiri.

Perhatikanlah contoh-contoh berikut :
a. I have another (adj.) book
b. I have another (pron.)

“Perhatikan bahwa another digunakan hanya untuk menunjuk kepada an indefinite (tak tentu). Dan dengan benda tunggal (singular)”

c. I have other (adj.) books.   
d. I have others. (pron)
e. I have the other book (adj.)
f. I have the other (pron.)
g. I have the other books (adj.)
h. I have the others (pron).

“Perhatikan bahwa Others hanya digunakan sebagai plural pronoun yang tidak bersama dengan noun(dapat berdiri sendiri). Sedangkan other dapat digunakan untuk semuanya”
I have three books, two are mine. The other book is yours. (The others is yours).

j. I have three books, one is mine. The others are yours. (The others are yours).
k. If you are still thirsty, I’ll make another pot of coffee

2.Prefer,Like and Woul Rother(Preference)

Would, rather and Prefer are used to express preferences.
Their main difference stands in using " to " in the case of " prefer " and not " to " in the other cases with " would rather ".
It is more a problem of phrasal construction, than a question of usage.

1. In order to say what you prefer in general, you can use the verb " to prefer to " :
There are three possibilities of phrasal construction :

• I prefer + noun+ to+ noun ( I prefer something to something else)
ex. I prefer this colour to the red one

• I prefer + verb-ing + to + verb-ing (to express an usual action prefered)
ex. I prefer walking to going by bus to work

• I prefer + to do something + rather than + do something (to express a comparison)
ex. I prefer to go to the cinema rather to watch tv

2. In order to say what somebody wants in a particular situation, you can use " would prefer " ( conditional tense form)

• I would prefer + noun
• I would prefer + to do something
ex. Would you prefer tea or coffee ? I would prefer tea.
Would you like to walk in the park ? I would prefer to stay at home because it's too cold.
You can use also the structure : I would prefer + to do something+ rather than + do something to express a choice and a comparison.
ex. I would prefer to stay at home rather than go shopping now.
An another form is possible to express the same subject.
Would rather + do something ( without " to " before the verb) = Would prefer to do something
ex. Shall we go by train ? I would prefer to go by car
I would rather go by car

In the negative form : " would rather not (do something) "
ex. I would rather not go out this evening

In the comparative form to give more explanations about the preference : " would rather do something + than + do something else "
ex. I would rather stay at home than go out this evening

3. When you want somebody to do something : you prefer someone else to do something, you can use " would rather ".

• I would rather + somebody else ( noun or pronoun) + did ( past form) + something
• ex. I would rather cook now

I would rather you cooked now (instead of me)
The negative form : I would rather + somebody else + did not + something
ex. I would rather you did not cook now

We use the past but the meaning is present or future.
To express past or future with these structures, the sequences of tenses is used.
Expressing Preferences       
We often use words like prefer, would prefer, would rather to talk or ask about preferences.

"I prefer living on my own."
"Would you prefer to see a movie or go to a club?"
"Would you rather  go shopping with me?"

Those expressions are quite different in meaning and this is why learners of English often find them challenging. So here is how we can separate them:

Difference in meaning:
We tend to use 'prefer' to talk generally about likes, dislikes, what we want.
“He prefers reading books.”
“I prefer going to the beach than going to a swimming pool.”
The expressions 'would prefer' and 'would rather', to be a little more specific.
“I would prefer to see him in person.”
“I would rather go home now.”
Difference in form:
Followed by a different verb form:

“I prefer living in a city.” (followed by the gerund; the '-ing' ending)
“I would prefer to be told the truth.” (followed by the infinitive; to+ the verb)
“Would you rather stay at a hotel?” (followed by the base form of the verb; the verb without 'to'.

Different prepositions to state the choice.
prefer, would prefer – go with 'to'
“I'd prefer living in a city to living in the country.”
“I would (I'd) prefer being alone to being with the wrong person”.
would rather – goes with 'than'
“I would (I'd) rather talk to him in person than call him on the phone.”




Other menunjuk pada sesuatu yang berbeda.
Contoh:I write other post in this blog.
Another menunjuk pada sesuatu yang merupakan tambahan. Contohnya ketika saya memakan sepotong kue dan saya mau tambah lagi, maka menggunakan “another”:
I ate cookie for dessert and I want anther one (tambah satu kue lagi)
Others menunjuk pada objek/benda(jamak)yang lain ketika kita tidak menyebutkan bendanya.
Prefer,like,and Woul rother adalah sesuatu untuk mengekspresikan  yang kita suka,lebih suka dalam berbicara ataupun bertanya .

Contoh: "I prefer living on my own."
"Would you prefer to see a movie or go to a club?"
"Would you rather  go shopping with me?"


Kami dari penulis makalah  mengucapkan rasa syukur karena makalah yang kami buat telah terselesaikan, kami dari penulis mengharapkan agar makalah ini dapat bermamfaat bagi teman-teman semua sehingga bisa menjadi acuan untuk belajar. Kami juga berharap penbaca dapat memaklumi kekurangan dalam makalah ini.


1.      ^Difinition:gerund. WordNet 1.7.1. Retrieved 2010-03-09. "A noun formed from a verb (such as the `-ing' form of an English verb when used as a noun)."
2.      Murphy,R.1983. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge university Press.
3.      Sudarwati ,Muhammad. 2006. Look Ahead An English Course.Cikarang. Erlangga

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